What do I love more than pulling resources to plan a curriculum? A curriculum already to go and put together in a packet. I could never use a boxed curriculum, but one that lasts for a few weeks..I'm all over that. And so--for our next lesson plans we have the USDA and a friend to thank for sharing, We will be doing the CHOOSEMYPLATE.GOV packet. It comes in different levels, has emergent readers, workbooks, posters, teacher training and teacher curriculum. It even comes with a events idea booklet. We will be writing, reading, cooking and learning everything from Language arts, health to Science. I also love, that because it comes in different levels, I can pull from them to double the lessons and provide a challenge for the older kids.
Other resources:
Serving Up My Plate: A Yummy Curriculum
Curricula And Lesson Plans
Sources of Nutrition Education Curriculum
My Plate Kids Place
Order Forms: IT'S FREE!!!!!
Teacher made sources:
Learning Zone
My Plate Project Menu
My Plate Collage
Check back--I'll add to this as I find, and list my own ideas as I think of them.
Disclaimer: Go over the lesson plans in advance. I plan on telling the kids that while this is a recommendation--we eat less grains and try for more nutritionally dense foods.