Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kindergarten: Sept 5th-9th lesson plans 2011-2012 school year

First weeks lesson plans:

Time Schedule:

7:25-Arrival. Pledge, Patriotic songs, one song in French, one in Spanish.

 America The Beautiful
 It’s a small world
 Frere Jacques in french
 Frere Jacques in Spanish

7:40- Circle Time

Start with Welcome song

Calendar time
Today is?

Days of the week song.

Weather chat.
Welcome to Kindergarten!
(Sung to the tune of "Deck The Halls")
Welcome to our kindergarten.              
We will learn a lot of things today.
Here we are in kindergarten.
We will have a lot of time to play.
We will learn the alphabet and
We will learn how to write numbers, too.
We'll have fun in kindergarten,
'Cause there are so many things to do!

Good Morning Boogie

Hello Neighbor, what do you say?
(Children bow to each other)
It's going to be a happy day.
(Children clap hands together)
So greet your neighbor,
(Children give each other high fives)
And boogie on down.
(Children wiggle their hips)
Give 'em a bump,
(Children bump their hips together)
and turn around.
(Children turn around)

Alphabet song and letter of the day.

Rhyme time.








9:30-wash hands, drink and snacks

9:45-Science Mon, Wed, Friday
        Individual learning time Tuesday and Thursday

10:30-History Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
           Computer  learning time Mondays and Fridays

11:00-Learning Centers

11;30-Play Centers


12:45-Arts and Crafts Time

1:45-Clean up and dismissal

Monday Sept 5th

Watch and sing Teddy Bear Counting song twice.
Then practice counting backwards from 10 twice.
Show Teddy Bear counting cards. Let kids practice number recognition.
Play Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear counting game.
Practice writing numbers 1-5 on slate boards with no pressure or correction
while watching How to write numbers video


Watch Alphabet song, letting kids dance and sing.
Watch Letter A and learn sound.
Color Aa worksheet-use color of the day 
Give Brown Bear desk tags, and let kids tape onto desk. 
go over colors, and ask what type of animals they see and
have them tell the colors.
Read book encouraging kids to read along.
Use pocket chart letting kids put together the sentence
"Brown bear, brown bear what do you see?"
Kids color brown bear and red bird color sheets

Science (will do a lighter version of whatever Nicko is doing)

Computer Learning Time

Arts and Crafts

Brown Bear Craft

Tuesday Sept 6th 2011


Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear 
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, up on tiptoes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch your nose.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, walk to me.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, bend your knee.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, hop around,
Teddy bear, teddy bear, sit on the ground.


Watch and sing Teddy Bear Counting song twice.
Then practice counting backwards from 10 twice.
Show Teddy Bear counting cards. Let kids practice number recognition.
Play Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear counting game.
Practice writing numbers 1-5 on slate boards with no pressure or correction
while watching How to write numbers video


Watch Alphabet song, letting kids dance and sing.
Watch Letter A and learn sound.
Color letter A apple worksheet.
Go over Brown Bear desk tags, going through animals
and colors.
Read book encouraging kids to read along.
Use pocket chart letting kids put together the sentence
"Brown bear brown bear, what do you see?" Explain what
a question mark is. Introduce each color word and let kids
guess which word is which.

Individual learning time/15 min for each

Do name chant to learn spelling
Trace name on paper, allow them to try and write on slate board
Practice writing numbers 1-5 on slate board
Learn to tie shoes

Criss Cross Tying Shoes
(Tune: Splish Splash I was taking a Bath)
Criss Cross and go under the bridge
Then you got to pull it tight.
Make a loop but keep a long tail
That is how to do it right
Then you take the other string
and you wrap it 'round the loop
Pull it through the hole
Now you got the scoop
Criss Cross and go under the bridge (this is where you tie the loops together)
Now you made a Double Knot!

History (light version of what Nicko is doing)

Arts and Crafts 

Play the Brown Bear Dice game

Wednesday Sept 7th

Watch and sing counting forwards and back song twice.
Show Teddy Bear counting cards. Let kids practice number recognition.
On white board write numerals 1-10. Erase some letting kids practice figuring
out the missing numbers.
Practice writing numbers 1-5 on slate boards with no pressure or correction
while watching How to write numbers video


Watch Letter B and learn sound
Color letter B-use color of the day 
Go over Brown Bear desk tags, and let kids tell 
colors and animals.
Read book encouraging kids to read along.
Use pocket chart letting kids practice reading color
words, and then trying to write them on slates.
Kids color Green Frog and Purple Cat color sheets

Science (will do a lighter version of whatever Nicko is doing)

History (lighter version of what Nicko is doing.)

School out at 11:00 for Science class at Health museum.

Thursday Sept 8th 2011

Watch and sing counting forwards and back song twice.
Show Teddy Bear counting cards. Let kids practice number recognition.
On white board write numerals 1-10. Erase some letting kids practice figuring
out the missing numbers.
Practice writing numbers 1-5 on slate boards with no pressure or correction
while watching How to write numbers video

Color letter b is for banana-use color of the day 
Go over Brown Bear desk tags, and let kids tell 
colors and animals.
Read book encouraging kids to read along.
Use pocket chart letting kids practice reading color
words, and then trying to write them on slates.
Kids color White dog and black sheep color sheets

Individual learning time/15 min for each

Do name chant to learn spelling
Trace name on paper, allow them to try and write on slate board
Practice writing numbers 1-5 on slate board
Learn to tie shoes

Criss Cross Tying Shoes
(Tune: Splish Splash I was taking a Bath)
Criss Cross and go under the bridge
Then you got to pull it tight.
Make a loop but keep a long tail
That is how to do it right
Then you take the other string
and you wrap it 'round the loop
Pull it through the hole
Now you got the scoop
Criss Cross and go under the bridge (this is where you tie the loops together)
Now you made a Double Knot!

History (lighter version of what Nicko is doing)

Arts and crafts

Glue paper masks to sticks and let kids act out the story