Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kindergarten: Sept 5th-9th lesson plans 2011-2012 school year

First weeks lesson plans:

Time Schedule:

7:25-Arrival. Pledge, Patriotic songs, one song in French, one in Spanish.

 America The Beautiful
 It’s a small world
 Frere Jacques in french
 Frere Jacques in Spanish

7:40- Circle Time

Start with Welcome song

Calendar time
Today is?

Days of the week song.

Weather chat.
Welcome to Kindergarten!
(Sung to the tune of "Deck The Halls")
Welcome to our kindergarten.              
We will learn a lot of things today.
Here we are in kindergarten.
We will have a lot of time to play.
We will learn the alphabet and
We will learn how to write numbers, too.
We'll have fun in kindergarten,
'Cause there are so many things to do!

Good Morning Boogie

Hello Neighbor, what do you say?
(Children bow to each other)
It's going to be a happy day.
(Children clap hands together)
So greet your neighbor,
(Children give each other high fives)
And boogie on down.
(Children wiggle their hips)
Give 'em a bump,
(Children bump their hips together)
and turn around.
(Children turn around)

Alphabet song and letter of the day.

Rhyme time.








9:30-wash hands, drink and snacks

9:45-Science Mon, Wed, Friday
        Individual learning time Tuesday and Thursday

10:30-History Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
           Computer  learning time Mondays and Fridays

11:00-Learning Centers

11;30-Play Centers


12:45-Arts and Crafts Time

1:45-Clean up and dismissal

Monday Sept 5th

Watch and sing Teddy Bear Counting song twice.
Then practice counting backwards from 10 twice.
Show Teddy Bear counting cards. Let kids practice number recognition.
Play Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear counting game.
Practice writing numbers 1-5 on slate boards with no pressure or correction
while watching How to write numbers video


Watch Alphabet song, letting kids dance and sing.
Watch Letter A and learn sound.
Color Aa worksheet-use color of the day 
Give Brown Bear desk tags, and let kids tape onto desk. 
go over colors, and ask what type of animals they see and
have them tell the colors.
Read book encouraging kids to read along.
Use pocket chart letting kids put together the sentence
"Brown bear, brown bear what do you see?"
Kids color brown bear and red bird color sheets

Science (will do a lighter version of whatever Nicko is doing)

Computer Learning Time

Arts and Crafts

Brown Bear Craft

Tuesday Sept 6th 2011


Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear 
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, up on tiptoes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch your nose.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, walk to me.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, bend your knee.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, hop around,
Teddy bear, teddy bear, sit on the ground.


Watch and sing Teddy Bear Counting song twice.
Then practice counting backwards from 10 twice.
Show Teddy Bear counting cards. Let kids practice number recognition.
Play Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear counting game.
Practice writing numbers 1-5 on slate boards with no pressure or correction
while watching How to write numbers video


Watch Alphabet song, letting kids dance and sing.
Watch Letter A and learn sound.
Color letter A apple worksheet.
Go over Brown Bear desk tags, going through animals
and colors.
Read book encouraging kids to read along.
Use pocket chart letting kids put together the sentence
"Brown bear brown bear, what do you see?" Explain what
a question mark is. Introduce each color word and let kids
guess which word is which.

Individual learning time/15 min for each

Do name chant to learn spelling
Trace name on paper, allow them to try and write on slate board
Practice writing numbers 1-5 on slate board
Learn to tie shoes

Criss Cross Tying Shoes
(Tune: Splish Splash I was taking a Bath)
Criss Cross and go under the bridge
Then you got to pull it tight.
Make a loop but keep a long tail
That is how to do it right
Then you take the other string
and you wrap it 'round the loop
Pull it through the hole
Now you got the scoop
Criss Cross and go under the bridge (this is where you tie the loops together)
Now you made a Double Knot!

History (light version of what Nicko is doing)

Arts and Crafts 

Play the Brown Bear Dice game

Wednesday Sept 7th

Watch and sing counting forwards and back song twice.
Show Teddy Bear counting cards. Let kids practice number recognition.
On white board write numerals 1-10. Erase some letting kids practice figuring
out the missing numbers.
Practice writing numbers 1-5 on slate boards with no pressure or correction
while watching How to write numbers video


Watch Letter B and learn sound
Color letter B-use color of the day 
Go over Brown Bear desk tags, and let kids tell 
colors and animals.
Read book encouraging kids to read along.
Use pocket chart letting kids practice reading color
words, and then trying to write them on slates.
Kids color Green Frog and Purple Cat color sheets

Science (will do a lighter version of whatever Nicko is doing)

History (lighter version of what Nicko is doing.)

School out at 11:00 for Science class at Health museum.

Thursday Sept 8th 2011

Watch and sing counting forwards and back song twice.
Show Teddy Bear counting cards. Let kids practice number recognition.
On white board write numerals 1-10. Erase some letting kids practice figuring
out the missing numbers.
Practice writing numbers 1-5 on slate boards with no pressure or correction
while watching How to write numbers video

Color letter b is for banana-use color of the day 
Go over Brown Bear desk tags, and let kids tell 
colors and animals.
Read book encouraging kids to read along.
Use pocket chart letting kids practice reading color
words, and then trying to write them on slates.
Kids color White dog and black sheep color sheets

Individual learning time/15 min for each

Do name chant to learn spelling
Trace name on paper, allow them to try and write on slate board
Practice writing numbers 1-5 on slate board
Learn to tie shoes

Criss Cross Tying Shoes
(Tune: Splish Splash I was taking a Bath)
Criss Cross and go under the bridge
Then you got to pull it tight.
Make a loop but keep a long tail
That is how to do it right
Then you take the other string
and you wrap it 'round the loop
Pull it through the hole
Now you got the scoop
Criss Cross and go under the bridge (this is where you tie the loops together)
Now you made a Double Knot!

History (lighter version of what Nicko is doing)

Arts and crafts

Glue paper masks to sticks and let kids act out the story

Monday, June 20, 2011

School curriculum list for 2011 to 2012 year

Whoa. I will have everyone except my 2 year old in homeschool this year. I will have three in Kindergarten, a fourth grader and an eighth grader. We will have some curriculum changes as well. My oldest, Matteo will not be in the school room for the first time. We made this decision for several reasons. I will have three kinders and one two year old. The school room will be too noisy for him. So, we are making him his own study area in his room. He will be doing all independent work, with me grading and checking his work at the end of the day.

(Ps. I will be adding to this list as I go.)


Fourth Grade





Real Science

Eighth Grade

science enrichment
more science enrichment
Science teacher edition



Mythology for Teens

Greek Mythology for Teens

Moore Philosophy for Teens

The Old Testament for Teens

The Examined Life


Simply Music

Monday, April 4, 2011

Lesson Plan Week of April 4th-8th 2010-2011 School Year

Matteo-7th grade:

Mon, Tues, Fri
World Religions 15 min

Wed, Thursday
Civics 15 Min

Mon, Wed, and Friday copywork-Tuesday and Thursday oral memorization
Copywork assignment-Presidents. Roman Numerals

Mon, Wed, and Friday
Worksheet and lesson from Math U See workbook
5 Min multiplication and division Drill for refresher
Tuesday and Thursday 
Watch one video from Khan Academy practice concepts on paper. 

French assignment-Lesson 1-9  on Hop, skip and sing french cd. Choose one lesson to write out each day.
Enhance lessons with Francais Interactif

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
US History Course
used in tandem with Digital History

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Language Arts assignment-One lesson at The Internet Grammar of English
Daily Vocabulary- lesson
Lightning Literature
Finish chapter 5 reading and all work
Writing assingment- in 30 days

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Text to read-This Dynamic Earth
Enviromental Science Course in tandem with Earth to Class
Pearson Earth Science and Internet for classrooms
Class zone and Pearson quizzes

Nicko 3rd grade:

Mon, Wed, and Friday copywork-Tuesday and Thursday do oral review

Copywork assignment-same as matteo

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri-Language arts assignment-one story in Mcguffey's 3rd reader.
 and one in Pinneo's Primary Grammar 
Read Famous Men of The Middle Ages

French assignment-do lesson 1-9 in Hop, skip and sing french cd.

Math assignment-one lesson in Math U See
5 min drill in addition and substraction
work on telling time in 30, 15, and 5 minute intervals

Oceans lap book
This weeks resources
Ocean World
Coral reed lap book 

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri
Social Studies
American Indian Lap book


Wed culture class 

Wed, Thurs

music theory lesson 1

Singing warm ups

ordinary miracle

for the beauty of the earth

child of peace

seasons of love


Spring egg art

signs of spring doorhangers. Will donate to locale nursing home

Preschool Lesson Plans, Zander, Zoe, and Lilly:

Morning Circle Time

calendar time
Weather discussion
Left Hand Right Hand song

Do memory rings in alphabet, numbers 1-30, colors, shapes, address, phone numbers

States and Capitols song

The 50 State Capitals Song
Tune: Turkey in the Straw

Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Indianapolis, Indiana;
And Columbus is the capital of Ohio
There's Montgomery, Alabama south of Helena, Montana
Then there's Denver, Colorado under Boise, Idaho.

Texas has Austin, then we go north to
Massachusetts, Boston; and Albany, New York
Tallahassee, Florida; and Washington, D.C.
Santa Fe, New Mexico; and Nashville, Tennessee
(Elvis used to hang out there a lot, ya know)

Trenton's in New Jersey north of Jefferson, Missouri
You got Richmond in Virginia, South Dakota has Pierre
Harrisburg's in Pennsylvania and Augusta's up in Maine
And here is Providence, Rhode Island next to Dover, Delaware.

Concord, New Hampshire, just a quick jaunt to
Montpelier which is up in Vermont
Hartford's in Connecticut, so pretty in the fall
And Kansas has Topeka, Minnesota has St. Paul

Juneau's in Alaska and there's Lincoln in Nebraska
And it's Raleigh out in North Carolina
And then there's Madison, Wisconsin and Olympia in Washington
Phoenix, Arizona and Lansing, Michigan

Here's Honolulu, Hawaii's a joy
Jackson, Mississippi and Springfield, Illinois
South Carolina with Columbia down the way
And Annapolis in Maryland on the Chesapeake Bay
(They have wonderful clam chowder.)

Cheyenne is in Wyoming and perhaps you make your home in
Salt Lake City out in Utah where the buffalo roam
Atlanta's down in Georgia and there's Bismarck, North Dakota
And you can live in Frankfort in your old Kentucky home.

Salem in Oregon, from there we join
Little Rock in Arkansas, Iowa's got Des Moines
Sacramento, California; Oklahoma and its city
Charleston, West Virginia and Nevada, Carson City.

That's all the capitals there are!

Pumpkin Stories

File fold game
numbers in bloom

Nursery Rhy They That Wash


It Is Spring  (sung to "If You're Happy And You Know It")
It is spring
and it's time to fly a kite!
It is spring
and it's time to fly a kite!
It is spring
that's the season!
We don't need
a better reason!
It is spring
and it's time to fly a kite!
(From Scholastic)

Spring Song (Tune: Are You Sleeping)
It is spring time
It is spring time
Winter's gone
Winter's gone
Summer time is coming
Summer time is coming
It won't be long
It won't be long

Play time and tv time

Zoie and Zander 20 min each individual instruction-Lilly after her nap
Alphabetti book 1-1
Primary math lesson

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lesson Plan Week of March 21-25th 2010-2011 School Year

Matteo-7th grade:

Mon, Tues, Fri
World Religions 15 min

Wed, Thursday
Civics 15 Min

Mon, Wed, and Friday copywork-Tuesday and Thursday oral memorization
Copywork assignment-Presidents. Roman Numerals

Mon, Wed, and Friday
Worksheet and lesson from Math U See workbook
5 Min multiplication and division Drill for refresher
Tuesday and Thursday 
Watch one video from Khan Academy practice concepts on paper. 

French assignment-Lesson 1-9  on Hop, skip and sing french cd. Choose one lesson to write out each day.
Enhance lessons with BBC french site

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
US History Course

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Language Arts assignment-One lesson at Daily Grammar
Daily Vocabulary- lesson
Lightning Literature
Finish chapter 5 reading and all work
Writing assingment- in 30 days

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Enviromental Science Course

Nicko 3rd grade:

Mon, Wed, and Friday copywork-Tuesday and Thursday do oral review
Copywork assignment-same as matteo

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri-Language arts assignment-one story in Mcguffey's 3rd reader.
 and one in Pinneo's Primary Grammar 
Read Famous Men of The Middle Ages

French assignment-do lesson 1-9 in Hop, skip and sing french cd.

Math assignment-one lesson in Math U See
5 min drill in addition and substraction
work on telling time in 30, 15, and 5 minute intervals

Oceans lap book
This weeks resources
Why is the ocean salty
Read info page and follow links
next week why is ocean blue

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri
Social Studies
American Indian Lap book


Wed culture class 

Wed, Thurs

music theory lesson 1

Singing warm ups

ordinary miracle

for the beauty of the earth

child of peace

seasons of love


Spring egg art

signs of spring doorhangers. Will donate to locale nursing home

Preschool Lesson Plans, Zander, Zoe, and Lilly:

Morning Circle Time

calendar time
Weather discussion
Left Hand Right Hand song

Do memory rings in alphabet, numbers 1-30, colors, shapes, address, phone numbers

States and Capitols song

The 50 State Capitals Song
Tune: Turkey in the Straw

Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Indianapolis, Indiana;
And Columbus is the capital of Ohio
There's Montgomery, Alabama south of Helena, Montana
Then there's Denver, Colorado under Boise, Idaho.

Texas has Austin, then we go north to
Massachusetts, Boston; and Albany, New York
Tallahassee, Florida; and Washington, D.C.
Santa Fe, New Mexico; and Nashville, Tennessee
(Elvis used to hang out there a lot, ya know)

Trenton's in New Jersey north of Jefferson, Missouri
You got Richmond in Virginia, South Dakota has Pierre
Harrisburg's in Pennsylvania and Augusta's up in Maine
And here is Providence, Rhode Island next to Dover, Delaware.

Concord, New Hampshire, just a quick jaunt to
Montpelier which is up in Vermont
Hartford's in Connecticut, so pretty in the fall
And Kansas has Topeka, Minnesota has St. Paul

Juneau's in Alaska and there's Lincoln in Nebraska
And it's Raleigh out in North Carolina
And then there's Madison, Wisconsin and Olympia in Washington
Phoenix, Arizona and Lansing, Michigan

Here's Honolulu, Hawaii's a joy
Jackson, Mississippi and Springfield, Illinois
South Carolina with Columbia down the way
And Annapolis in Maryland on the Chesapeake Bay
(They have wonderful clam chowder.)

Cheyenne is in Wyoming and perhaps you make your home in
Salt Lake City out in Utah where the buffalo roam
Atlanta's down in Georgia and there's Bismarck, North Dakota
And you can live in Frankfort in your old Kentucky home.

Salem in Oregon, from there we join
Little Rock in Arkansas, Iowa's got Des Moines
Sacramento, California; Oklahoma and its city
Charleston, West Virginia and Nevada, Carson City.

That's all the capitals there are!

Pumpkin Stories

File fold game
numbers in bloom

Nursery Rhy They That Wash


It Is Spring  (sung to "If You're Happy And You Know It")
It is spring
and it's time to fly a kite!
It is spring
and it's time to fly a kite!
It is spring
that's the season!
We don't need
a better reason!
It is spring
and it's time to fly a kite!
(From Scholastic)

Spring Song (Tune: Are You Sleeping)
It is spring time
It is spring time
Winter's gone
Winter's gone
Summer time is coming
Summer time is coming
It won't be long
It won't be long

Play time and tv time

Zoie and Zander 20 min each individual instruction-Lilly after her nap
Alphabetti book 1-1
Primary math lesson

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

FREE Reading program to download!

For the Month of January, and the Author of Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons, is giving away a reading program. You sign up, they send you an email with all the downloads! Be sure to download everything. There is a teacher guide, workbooks, readers, then two bigger downloads that would take the place of discs. Be sure to check if you have the space.

I started my preschoolers on lessons 1-41, and my 9 year old on lesson 41 for review, and to fill in any gaps.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Lesson Plan Week of Jan 3rd-7th 2010-2011 School Year.

Matteo-7th grade:

Mon, Wed, and Friday copywork-Tuesday and Thursday oral memorization
Copywork assignment-Presidents. Write and memorize States, capitals and their postal abbreviation.

Mon, Wed, and Friday
Worksheet and lesson from Math U See workbook
Tuesday and Thursday 
Watch one video from Khan Academy practice concepts on paper. 

French assignment-Lesson 1-9  on Hop, skip and sing french cd. Choose one lesson to write out each day.
Enhance lessons with BBC french site

Mon-Read introduction to Ancient Greece. 
Complete lesson 1 on Mr Donn's ancient Greece site, use google earth as a map

Copy vocabulary
  1. epic - a long poem that tells the story of a hero
  2. barbarians - the name given by the Greeks to any people who were not Greek
  3. colonies - areas set up in conquered lands by the Greek city states for use when they themselves became overpopulated
  4. Minoan (min-o-un) - an ancient Cretan civilization
  5. myths - legends or stories that attempt to explain natural events


Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Mon, Wed, Fri
Language Arts assignment-One lesson in Rod N Staff English
Lightning Literature
Mon-Read vocabulary chapter13-14. Read Chapters 13-14. Complete comprehension questions on page 29
Tues-Complete writing exercise 3 page 47.
Wed-Read chapters 15-17, complete comprehension questions page 30.
Thurs-Read chapters 18-20, complete comprehension questions page 30.
Fri-Complete Vocabulary quiz for chapters 13-20.

Complete Day 1-7 lesson plans on Gentetics: The Science of Heredity in Science Explorer.

Nicko 3rd grade:

Mon, Wed, and Friday copywork-Tuesday and Thursday do oral review
Copywork assignment-same as matteo

Mon-Fri-Language arts assignment-one story in Mcguffey's 3rd reader.
Mon-Learn about verbs page 22. Complete oral lesson 18 Pinneo's Primary Grammar 
Tues-complete lesson 20 on page 24 orally
Wed-read about transitive and intransitive verbs, complete lesson 21 on page 25
Thur-complete lesson 22 on page 25 orally
Fri-do review of what a noun and adjective, and verbs are

French assignment-do lesson 1-9 in Hop, skip and sing french cd.

Math assignment-one lesson in Math U See

Mon-Plants and Animals of the Desert

Resources for making Desert book
Emints Habitat: Deserts 
Desert Animals

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Social Studies



Mon, Wed, Fri-

Tues, Thus-

Preschool Lesson Plans, Zander, Zoe, and Lilly:

Morning Circle Time

calendar time
Weather discussion
Left Hand Right Hand song

Do memory rings in alphabet, numbers 1-30, colors, shapes, address, phone numbers

Pumpkin Stories

 Preschool songs
Five Little Turkeys 
Five little turkeys by the barn door,
One waddled off, then there were four.
Four little turkeys out under the tree,
One waddled off, then there were three.
Three little turkeys with nothing to do.
One waddled off, then there were two.
Two little turkeys in the noonday sun,
One waddled off, then there was one.
One little turkey - better run away!
Soon will come Thanksgiving Day.

 Thanksgiving song 
Sung to: "Twinkle, Twinkle little star"

Thank you, thank you, very much
For everything that I can touch..
Thanks a lot for nature’s food.
And for when I’m feeling good.
Thank you, thank you very much.
For moms and dads and friends and such.


Nursery Rhyme Jack Be Nimble

Play time and tv time

Zoie and Zander 20 min each individual instruction-Lilly after her nap
Traceable A worksheet
Tracebale 1 worksheet
Counting 1 practice worksheet 
Scissor Skill worksheet 
Big and Little worksheet

Getting organized after our move.

So we are in between houses. We are living at the cottage while we search for permanent housing. Until we get our library cards next week, I will have to use online sources again for some of our subjects.

Today we are back at school from the holidays. I'm am happy to get back to a routine, and I think the kids really need it. It will be a bit of a challenge without access to a printer, but we can do this. :_)