Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lesson Plans week of Nov 15th-19th 2010-2011 school year

Matteo-7th grade:

Mon, Wed, and Friday copywork-Tuesday and Thursday oral memorization
Copywork assignment-Presidents. Write and memorize first 25 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Mon, Wed, and Friday
Math assignment-5 minute Drill sheet
Worksheet and lesson from Math U See workbook
Tuesday and Thursday 
Watch one video from Khan Academy practice concepts on paper. 

French assignment-Lesson 1-9  on Hop, skip and sing french cd. Choose one lesson to write out each day.

Mon-Learn mnemonic for remembering order of early man watch 25 min of Ape To Man on Netflix instant play.
Tues-Work on info poster on early man, then 25 min of Ape to Man 
Wed-Copy definitions, then 25 min of Ape To Man video 
Thurs-Work on info poster on early man, then last 25 min of Ape to Man video.
Friday-Quiz on order of early man, definitions and complete self check quiz

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Mon, Wed, Fri
Language Arts assignment-One lesson in Rod N Staff English
Lightning Literature
Mon-Page 23 and 24 in Lightning Literature-intro to Treasure Island. Read vocabulary words for chapters 1-2, then read Chapters 1-2 in book. Complete comprehension questions on page 28.
Tues-Complete Analyzing Setting in Lightening Literature workbook pages 21-22. Read chapter 3 of Treasure Island, then answer comprehension questions on page 28.
Wed-Read Literary Lesson: Setting pages 34-41. Complete Detail In Setting in workbook pages 23-24
Thurs-Complete Treasure Island Word Search in workbook page 38. Read vocabulary for chapters 4-6, then read chapters in book. Complete comprehension questions on page 29.
Fri-Complete Vocabulary quiz for chapters 1-6. Complete workbook page 25 Same Setting: Different Time.

Mon-Write new vocabulary words for Chapter 2 section 1
Autotroph: organism that can make its own food
Photosynthesis: process that makes sugar or glucose for plants                         
Chlorophyll: green material that is needed for photosynthesis
Chloroplast: organelle in plant cell that contains chlorophyll
Heterotroph: organism that cannot make its own food
Energy: the ability to do work or cause change
a simple type of sugar
 read pages 50-54 in Cells and Heredity science book, and complete section review.
Tues-complete pages 20-22 in Cells and Heredity Science workbook 
begin Project 2 pg 49 of science book on plants and light. do a sketchbook drawing of Photosynthesis diagram.
Wed-Vocabulary word: Fermentation: process by which a cell releases energy from food without using oxygen
Respiration: The process by which cells "withdraw" energy from glucose.

 Complete Discover activity on pg 55 in science book. Read pages 55-59, and complete section review. discuss results of Discover activity.
Thurs-Complete pages 23-25 in workbook. Watch short video on respiration-take quiz at end of video
Fri-Take vocabulary quiz work on spreadsheet for chapter 2 project.
Extra Credit: Can complete worksheet1  and worksheet2 extra credit.

Nicko 3rd grade:

Mon, Wed, and Friday copywork-Tuesday and Thursday do oral review
Copywork assignment-Presidents. Write and memorize first 25 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Mon-Fri-Language arts assignment-one story in Mcguffey's 3rd reader.
Mon-Learn about verbs page 22. Complete oral lesson 18 Pinneo's Primary Grammar 
Tues-complete lesson 20 on page 24 orally
Wed-read about transitive and intransitive verbs, complete lesson 21 on page 25
Thur-complete lesson 22 on page 25 orally
Fri-do review of what a noun and adjective, and verbs are

French assignment-do lesson 1-9 in Hop, skip and sing french cd.

Math assignment-one lesson in Math U See

Mon-Do activity 7 in Animal Classification Lap Book 
learn mnemonic King Phillip Came Over For Great Spaghetti to remember Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species.
Tues-complete activity 8 in lap book. Visit BioKids critter catalog, and practice classification of at least four animals. 
Wed-complete activity 9 in lap book. Complete Taxonomy worksheet.
Thurs-Go over lap book and review all information, including vocabulary. Go to Scientific Naming lesson, and start using student log in lap book to record animals.
Fri-Taxonomy test

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

A note about this months history: I have one of those resources that are the kind a teacher wants to hold onto forever. Funny enough it is published by the National Livestock and Meat board. It has surprisingly little bias. You can see a pic of what the outside of the pack looks like here. It's the Coming To America on the top. I love it because it has detailed information and gorgeous 16x20 study prints.  I will be using this and other material to make a Thanksgiving lapbook.

Social Studies
Mon-Watch Jamestown on netflix-for pre intro to pilgrim studies.
Tues-Look at Study sheet 1 in Coming To America pack and answer questions on sheet-glue route map into lap book. Read background information on Study print 1-Read Pilgrims Progress on sheet 2-answer comprehension questions.
Wed-Study sheet 3 on diagram of Mayflower ship. Start Vocabulary pocket for lapbook, write vocabulary and add to pocket.
Thurs-Read background info on study print 2. Complete supply list activity.
Fri-Nico completes mini book to add to lap book.



Mon, Wed, Fri- Begin to learn lyrics to 'A Few of My Favorite Things,' and 'A Winter's Carol,' and 'Jingle Bell/One horse open sleigh.'

Tues, Thus-Our community service project. Make Thanksgiving place mats for seniors in assisted living home-will do this till week before Thanksgiving. 

Preschool Lesson Plans, Zander, Zoe, and Lilly:

Morning Circle Time

calendar time
Weather discussion
Left Hand Right Hand song

Do memory rings in alphabet, numbers 1-30, colors, shapes, address, phone numbers

Pumpkin Stories

 Preschool songs
Five Little Turkeys 
Five little turkeys by the barn door,
One waddled off, then there were four.
Four little turkeys out under the tree,
One waddled off, then there were three.
Three little turkeys with nothing to do.
One waddled off, then there were two.
Two little turkeys in the noonday sun,
One waddled off, then there was one.
One little turkey - better run away!
Soon will come Thanksgiving Day.

 Thanksgiving song 
Sung to: "Twinkle, Twinkle little star"

Thank you, thank you, very much
For everything that I can touch..
Thanks a lot for nature’s food.
And for when I’m feeling good.
Thank you, thank you very much.
For moms and dads and friends and such.


Nursery Rhyme Jack Be Nimble

Play time and tv time

Zoie and Zander 20 min each individual instruction-Lilly after her nap
Traceable A worksheet
Tracebale 1 worksheet
Counting 1 practice worksheet 
Scissor Skill worksheet 
Big and Little worksheet

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's not's me.

I'm not sure what my deal is. Used to be I was motivated to do 101 things in a day-and multitasking was something I prided myself on. I just don't have that bounce-back attitude that I used to. The past three weeks have been me dealing with everyone having colds. Sickness is usually no big deal here as my kids are super healthy and they get over sickness in just two days. But when six of them, plus the parents go through it-it can be a month long ordeal.

In short, I've been doing a crappy job of keeping us on task. I can say that is one thing that I did appreciate about the online academy. There was a rush to get things done and stay on task. So, for this weekend I am working on getting the house clean and sanitized, but I will also be brainstorming was to keep us better on track.

I'm not sure if I want to put a time limit on the units we are doing or what. I hesitate with this for a lot of reasons. One is that in Matteo's social studies for instance, he really likes what he is learning. So much that he keeps asking for me to extend it. He wants more work, and to learn more about it. Of course this makes me happy that he is interested. I'm not sure how I will end up dealing with all this, but I need to snap out of it, and get the motivation back for myself!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lesson Plans week of Nov 1st - Nov 5th 2010-2011 school year

Matteo-7th grade:

Mon, Wed, and Friday copywork-Tuesday and Thursday do oral review
Copywork assignment-Presidents. Write and memorize first 20 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Mon, Wed, and Friday
Math assignment-5 minute Drill sheet
Worksheet from Math U See workbook
Tuesday and Thursday 
Watch one video from Khan Academy practice concepts on paper. 

French assignment-Lesson 1-8  on Hop, skip and sing french cd. Choose one lesson to write out each day.

Social Studies assignment.
Watch Walking With Cavemen on netflix instant play-one part each day
Complete corresponding worksheet each day

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Mon, Wed, Fri
Language Arts assignment-One lesson in Rod N Staff English
Lightning Literature
Mon-page 19 writing exercise/page 7 & 8 in workbook Capitalization and Apostrophes
Tues-page 19 2nd writing exercise/ page 9 & 10 Fact and Opinion
Wed-page 20 writing exercise/page 11 & 12 Taking Notes
Thurs-page 20 2nd writing exercise/page 13 A Crazy Tale Crossword Puzzle
Fri- pages 15-18 Author's Purpose

Mon-Write new vocabulary words for Section 4 pages 40-44 in Cells and Heredity science book, and complete section review.
Tues-Complete Crossword puzzle 
complete pages 17-19 in Cells and Heredity Science workbook
Wed-do science experiment in science book, Try this page 42 Diffusion in Action, and complete Multiple Choice and True or false pg 46 of science book.
Thurs-complete the rest of review on page 46.
Fri-Complete Chapter 1 test

Nicko 3rd grade:

Mon, Wed, and Friday copywork-Tuesday and Thursday do oral review
Copywork assignment-Presidents. Write and memorize first 20 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Mon-Fri-Language arts assignment-one story in Mcguffey's 3rd reader.
Mon-complete lesson 14 on page 19 orally of Pinneo's Primary Grammar 
Tues-complete lesson 15 on page 21 orally
Wed-complete lesson 16 on page 21 orally
Thur-complete lesson 17 on page 21 orally
Fri-do review of what a noun and adjectives are

French assignment-do lesson 1-8 in Hop, skip and sing french cd.

Math assignment-one lesson in Math U See

Mon-Do activity 6 in Animal Classification Lap Book
and read webpage on vertebrates and invertebrates
watch youtube video
Tues-Watch Bill Nye youtube video part 1 and 2 invertebrates and read Invertibrates on
Wed-Watch youtube video Vertebrates and read Animals With Backbones on Edhelper
Thur-Watch youtube video Vertebrates and Invertebrates and complete lesson 7 in Animal Classification Book.

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Mon-Social Studies assignment-Read pages 23 of The Discovery of the America's
and read and Study Bartolomeu Dias' route map on Enchanted Learning
Tues-Read The Discovery of the America's book pages 25-33 on Christopher Columbus
Wed-Read Chapter 1 of Don't Know Much About American History
and ask questions to make sure Nicko has a fair and balanced view.
Thurs and Fri-Watch videos from History Channel on Columbus

Preschool Lesson Plans, Zander, Zoe, and Lilly: *Complete new lesson plans by tomorrow.

Morning Circle Time

Do calendar time
Weather discussion
Left Hand Right Hand song

Do memory rings in alphabet, numbers 1-30, colors, shapes, address, phone numbers

Week 3 Nursery Rhyme Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater-
repeat this since preschoolers did not get much time last week. 

Play time and tv time

Zoie and Zander 20 min each individual instruction-Lilly after her nap
Traceable A worksheet
Tracebale 1 worksheet
Counting 1 practice worksheet 
Scissor Skill worksheet 
Big and Little workshee


I've been seriously slacking on the blogs lately. We have had the cruds going around for the past two weeks. I am so over sanitizing, doctor trips, medicines to keep track of...the list goes on.

We are all mostly feeling better, so it's time to jump back in, and get my lesson plans written. I should mention that the kids have been really happy with school. I think we found a happy medium of text book work, with Charlotte Mason style of schooling. The boys are especially happy that subjects are being stretched out. They feel they are learning more this way-and that makes me feel great with all the new changes. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Matteo-7th grade:

Copywork assignment-Presidents. Write and memorize first 15 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Math assignment-5 minute Drill sheet
Worksheet from Math U See workbook

French assignment-Lesson 1-8  on Hop, skip and sing french cd.
Social Studies assignment. Work on week's unit from World History for Us All

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Language Arts assignment-One lesson in Rod N Staff English.
Read pages 15-18 in Lightning Literature 
complete page 5 in workbook-writing with a purpose.

Science- Read section two Looking Inside Cells in Science Explorer read pages 33-37
complete section review on pg 37. Watch Bill Nye Cells video

Nicko 3rd grade:

Copywork assignment- Presidents. Write and memorize first 15 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Language arts assignment-one story in Mcguffey's 3rd reader.
complete lesson 13 on page 19 orally of Pinneo's Primary Grammar 

French assignment-do lesson 1-8 in Hop, skip and sing french cd.

Math assignment-one lesson in Math U See

Science-Do activity 5 in Animal Classification Lap Book

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Social Studies assignment-Read pages 15-17 of The Discovery of the America's
watch first hour of Nova's The Vickings

Preschool Lesson Plans, Zander, Zoe, and Lilly:

Morning Circle Time

Do calendar time
Weather discussion
Left Hand Right Hand song

Do memory rings in alphabet, numbers 1-30, colors, shapes, address, phone numbers

Week 3 Nursery Rhyme Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater-
repeat this since preschoolers did not get much time last week. 

Play time and tv time

Zoie and Zander 20 min each individual instruction-Lilly after her nap
Traceable A worksheet
Tracebale 1 worksheet
Counting 1 practice worksheet 
Scissor Skill worksheet 
Big and Little workshee

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 13th lesson plans 2010-2011 school year

Matteo-7th grade:

Copywork assignment-Presidents. Write and memorize first 10 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Math assignment-5 minute Drill sheet
Worksheet from Math U See workbook

French assignment-Lesson 1-7  on Hop, skip and sing french cd.
Social Studies assignment. Watch interactive documentary Becoming Human/Anatomy 
Complete questions on anatomy from worksheet.

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Language Arts assignment-One lesson in Rod N Staff English.
Read pages 1-6 in Lightning Literature
then read pages 28-33 A Crazy Tale in literature book. Then answer
comprehension questions pg 7 in Lightning Literature-Do word search in workbook
if time allows.

Science- Read section two Looking Inside Cells in Science Explorer read pages 28-31,
complete section review on pg 31. Go to Cells Alive website for interactive plants and animal cell.

Nicko 3rd grade:

Copywork assignment- Presidents. Write and memorize first 10 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Language arts assignment-one story in Mcguffey's 3rd reader.
complete lesson 12 on page 19 orally of Pinneo's Primary Grammar 

French assignment-do lesson 1-6 in Hop, skip and sing french cd.

Math assignment-one lesson in Math U See

Science-Do activity 3 in Animal Classification Lap Book

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Social Studies assignment-Read pages 12-14 of The Discovery of the America's
Do activities first box of St Brendan The Navigator

Preschool Lesson Plans, Zander, Zoe, and Lilly:

Morning Circle Time

Do calendar time
Weather discussion
Left Hand Right Hand song

Do memory rings in alphabet, numbers 1-30, colors, shapes, address, phone numbers

Week 3 Nursery Rhyme Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater-
repeat this since preschoolers did not get much time last week. 

Play time and tv time

Zoie and Zander 20 min each individual instruction-Lilly after her nap
Traceable A worksheet
Tracebale 1 worksheet
Counting 1 practice worksheet 
Scissor Skill worksheet 
Big and Little workshee

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Matteo-7th grade:

Copywork assignment-Presidents. Write and memorize first 10 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Math assignment-5 minute Drill sheet
Worksheet from Math U See workbook

French assignment-Lesson 1-7 on Hop, skip and sing french cd.
Social Studies assignment. Watch Becoming Human interactive documentary/Prologue and Evidence-after prologue and evidence answer questions on worksheet do all interactive activities, write any new vocabulary.

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Language Arts assignment-One lesson in Rod N Staff English.
Read chapters 14-17 of Boy of The Painted Cave-
complete a book report.

Nicko 3rd grade:

Copywork assignment- Presidents. Write and memorize first 5 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Language arts assignment-one story in Mcguffey's 3rd reader.
complete lesson 11 on page 19 orally of Pinneo's Primary Grammar 

French assignment-do lesson 1-6 in Hop, skip and sing french cd.

Math assignment-one lesson in Math U See

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Preschool Lesson Plans, Zander, Zoe, and Lilly:

Morning Circle Time

Do calendar time
Weather discussion
Left Hand Right Hand song

Do memory rings in alphabet, numbers 1-30, colors, shapes, address, phone numbers

Week 3 Nursery Rhyme Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater

Play time and tv time

Zoie and Zander 20 min each individual instruction-Lilly after her nap
Traceable A worksheet
Tracebale 1 worksheet
Counting 1 practice worksheet 
Scissor Skill worksheet 
Big and Little workshee

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Doing nothing!

Today is our do "do nothing," day. Nicko's 9th birthday is tomorrow so we are watching Matteo's Social studies video-so basically nothing. Yay, for relaxation and rest!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

project pictures

The oldest boys were proud of their projects this week. Matteo made an animal cell from jello, and Nicko made a land bridge of ice. We have had a great past two weeks, and having most of our books now have made things exciting and fun.

October 6th lesson plans 2010-2011 school year.

Matteo-7th grade:

Copywork assignment-Presidents. Write and memorize first 5 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Math assignment-5 minute Drill sheet
Worksheet from Math U See workbook

French assignment-Lesson 1-6  on Hop, skip and sing french cd.
Social Studies assignment. Watch 2nd episode Becoming Human on netflix instant play. Give
oral interpretation of what he watched.

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Language Arts assignment-One lesson in Rod N Staff English.
Read chapters 11-13 of Boy of The Painted Cave-

Science- Read section two Looking Inside Cells in Science Explorer read pages 23-27 then do
Try This activity on page 29 for making a gelatin cell. 

Nicko 3rd grade:

Copywork assignment- Presidents. Write and memorize first 5 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Language arts assignment-one story in Mcguffey's 3rd reader.
complete lesson 11 on page 19 orally of Pinneo's Primary Grammar 

French assignment-do lesson 1-6 in Hop, skip and sing french cd.

Math assignment-one lesson in Math U See

Science-Do activity 3 in Animal Classification Lap Book

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Social Studies assignment-watch Cracking The Maya Code on netflix instant play.

Both kids cultural lesson-Hispanic Heritage month-read Latinos In History

Preschool Lesson Plans, Zander, Zoe, and Lilly:

Morning Circle Time

Do calendar time
Weather discussion
Left Hand Right Hand song

Do memory rings in alphabet, numbers 1-30, colors, shapes, address, phone numbers

Week 3 Nursery Rhyme Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater

Play time and tv time

Zoie and Zander 20 min each individual instruction-Lilly after her nap
Traceable A worksheet
Tracebale 1 worksheet
Counting 1 practice worksheet 
Scissor Skill worksheet 
Big and Little workshee

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October 5th lesson plans 2010-2011 school year

Matteo-7th grade:

Copywork assignment-Presidents. Write and memorize first 5 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Math assignment-5 minute Drill sheet
Worksheet from Math U See workbook

French assignment-Lesson 1-6  on Hop, skip and sing french cd.
Social Studies assignment-Read page 8 and 9 of Early Humans.
Read page 2 Australopithicus afarensis: Diet, skeleture, and social behavior 
add any new vocabulary. Watch 1st episode Becoming Human on netflix instant play. Give
oral interpretation of what he watched.

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Language Arts assignment-One lesson in Rod N Staff English.
Read chapters 11-13 of Boy of The Painted Cave

Science- Read section one of Discovering cells in Science Explorer answer questions in
Workbook pages 4, 5, and 6.

Nicko 3rd grade:

Copywork assignment- Presidents. Write and memorize first 5 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Language arts assignment-one story in Mcguffey's 3rd reader.
complete lesson 10 on page 18 orally of Pinneo's Primary Grammar 

French assignment-do lesson 1-6 in Hop, skip and sing french cd.

Math assignment-one lesson in Math U See

Science-Do activity 2 in Animal Classification Lap Book

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Social Studies assignment-Read pages 8-11 in The Discovery of The Americas
Watch 2nd episode of Lost King of the Maya on netflix instant play

Both kids cultural lesson-Hispanic Heritage month-read Meet Famous Latinos -
repeat, we didn't get to this yesterday. 

Preschool Lesson Plans, Zander, Zoe, and Lilly:

Morning Circle Time

Do calendar time
Weather discussion
Left Hand Right Hand song

Do memory rings in alphabet, numbers 1-30, colors, shapes, address, phone numbers

Week 3 Nursery Rhyme Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater

Play time and tv time

Zoie and Zander 20 min each individual instruction-Lilly after her nap
Traceable A worksheet
Tracebale 1 worksheet
Counting 1 practice worksheet 
Scissor Skill worksheet 
Big and Little workshee

Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4th lesson plans 2010-2011 School Year

Matteo-7th grade:

Copywork assignment-Presidents. Write and memorize first 5 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Math assignment-5 minute Drill sheet
Worksheet from Math U See workbook

French assignment-Lesson 1-5 on Hop, skip and sing french cd.
Social Studies assignment-Read page 6 and 7 of Early Humans.
Read page 1  Australopithicus afarensis: The story of Lucy 
look up definitions to words in bold.

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Language Arts assignment-One lesson in Rod N Staff English.
Read chapters 7-10 of Boy of The Painted Cave

Science- Read section one of Discovering cells in Science Explorer answer Section 1 Review then begin egg experiment.

Art: Thanks Painting for Hispanic Heritage month, 2 classroom days

Nicko 3rd grade:

Copywork assignment- Presidents. Write and memorize first 5 presidents, year they started office, and vice president.

Language arts assignment-one story in Mcguffey's 3rd reader.
complete lesson on page 17 orally of Pinneo's Primary Grammar 

French assignment-do lesson 1-5 in Hop, skip and sing french cd.

Math assignment-one lesson in Math U See

Science-Do activity 1 in Animal Classification Lap Book

Nature Journal assignment-whatever we discover on our walk.

Social Studies assignment-Read pages 8-11 in The Discovery of The Americas

Watch 1st episode of Lost King of the Maya on netflix instant play do discussion questions from Teachers Guide

Art-same as Matteo

Both kids cultural lesson-Hispanic Heritage month-read Meet Famous Latinos 

Preschool Lesson Plans, Zander, Zoe, and Lilly:

Morning Circle Time

Do calendar time
Weather discussion
Left Hand Right Hand song

Do memory rings in alphabet, numbers 1-30, colors, shapes, address, phone numbers

Week 3 Nursery Rhyme Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater

Play time and tv time

Zoie and Zander 20 min each individual instruction-Lilly after her nap
Traceable A worksheet
Tracebale 1 worksheet
Counting 1 practice worksheet 
Scissor Skill worksheet 
Big and Little workshee

Friday, October 1, 2010

October 1st lesson plans 2010-2011 school year

On this 1st day of October, we are outside. We have been enjoying the beautiful weather. So far we had a picnic, built a temporary barbie vacation house out of logs, and made obstacle courses for hot wheels cars.

Happy October everyone!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

September 30th lesson plans 2010-2011 school year

Matteo-7th grade:

Copywork assignment-The Lord's Prayer

Math assignment-5 minute Drill sheet
Worksheet from Math U See workbook

French assignment-Lesson 1-5 on Hop, skip and sing french cd. Learn and do activity for lesson 5. Go outside to practice exercise 4.

Social Studies assignment-chapters 4-6 of the book Boy of The Painted Cave, do written narration. 

Nature Journal assignment-Nature, sitting and observing fallen tree for insects and other life. 

Language Arts assignment-One lesson in Rod N Staff English.

Art: Thanks Painting for Hispanic Heritage month, 2 classroom days

Nicko 3rd grade

Copywork assignment-The Lords Prayer

Language arts assignment-one story in Mcguffey's 3rd reader.
complete lesson on page 17 of Pinneo's Primary Grammar 
Fall word and picture matching

French assignment-do lesson 1-5 in Hop, skip and sing french cd, go outside to do practice activity 4.

Math assignment-one lesson in Math U See

Nature Journal assignment-observing fallen tree for signs of insects and other life. 

Social Studies assignment-Read pages 1-7 of The Discovery of The Americas book and color worksheet 1
complete clay model of land bridge and do ice demonstration (repeat clay model-did not finish yesterday.)

Art-same as Matteo

Both kids cultural lesson-Hispanic Heritage month-read Hispanic History of The Americas

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Setp 29th lesson plans 2010-2011 school year

Matteo-7th grade:

Copywork assignment-The Lord's Prayer

Math assignment-5 minute Drill sheet
Worksheet from Math U See workbook
Prime Factorization video
complete prime trees worksheet

Note: the extra video and worksheet assignment is so that I may check this off of our course of study list.

French assignment-Lesson 1-4 on Hop, skip and sing french cd. Write words in french for lesson 4.

Social Studies assignment-First three chapters of the book Boy of The Painted Caves, do written narration on first three chapters. 

Nature Journal assignment-Nature walk on looking for sings of fall. We will look for any signs of fall and kids will record in nature journal.

Language Arts assignment-One lesson in Rod N Staff English.

Computer assignment-load Storytelling ALICE and get familiar.

Nicko 3rd grade

Copywork assignment-The Lords Prayer

Language arts assignment-one story in Mcguffey's 3rd reader.
complete lesson on page 16 of Pinneo's Primary Grammar 
complete fall words worksheet

French assignment-do lesson 1-4 in Hop, skip and sing french cd

Math assignment-one lesson in Math U See

Nature Journal assignment-do nature walk looking for signs of fall and recording findings.

Social Studies assignment-Read pages 1-7 of The Discovery of The Americas book and color worksheet 1
complete clay model of land bridge and do ice demonstration

Computer assignment-Dancemat Typing 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Adding lesson plans again.

The kids and I are so excited that our books are starting to come in. I am going to start doing our daily lesson plans and add them here starting tomorrow. If subjects are missing, it's just that we are waiting on our material. As well, I'm making more of an effort to take pictures to add here of our school time. It will be fun to look over our "year book," at the end of each grade year.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Preschool worksheets!

I love this site! Not only are they good worksheets, but they can be saved as pdf downloads.

Kids Learning Station

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Becoming a master teacher

I was watching an episode of Oprah this week, when a comment caught my attention. One of the teachers that were featured said that it took him three years to be a good teacher, and five to be a master teacher. I thought, "yes! Exactly right!" Even with my background as a preschool and transitional kindergarten teacher it has taken me till this year to be super confident in my teaching abilities. I now FEEL like a master teacher.

As a homeschool parent I am on a lot of homeschool email loops. Ive been paying more attention to the posts from new homeschoolers. I feel like one of those confident parents I used to envy. I now feel in the position to give advice. It's a good feeling, but I worry for these new parents. It is not easy being a new homeschooler, even with some teaching experience.

For a new homeschool parent it can be overwhelming. First there is the scary thought that you are directly responsible for your child(rens) education. I remember thinking that there would be no one to blame but myself if I was wrong about this being a better alternative. It did not occur to me at the time that I had been responsible already for my children's early education....something every parent should give yourself a pat on the back for!

So how do you reach this nirvana of teaching confidence?

For every parent it will be different. For me though it was a combination of things. It was the feeling of confidence in several areas. Housecleaning doesn't have a lot to do with teaching, except that feeling like I have a good routine down, and that my home does not suffer was important to me. Cooking doesn't have a lot to do with teaching, except feeling like I have dinner on the table while also juggling housekeeping, and homeschooling makes me feel like I have finally mastered the art of true multi-tasking.

As for the actual teaching part of homeschooling, it to has been a combination of experiences that have helped me to grow. I used to berate myself that I have switched our style, methods, and curriculum in our homeschooling years. I now see that all of this was just an evolution of our journey. I needed to go through these different experiences, and the kids DID NOT suffer for it. In fact, even when we went through periods where we did very little schooling, the children thrived. Parents should understand that it is okay to not "get it right-right away," when it comes to these issues.

I think that like any teacher, homeschool parents should consider themselves in training. It takes time to become a good teacher, especially a master! Give yourself time to experience, and even experiment. Read other homeschool blogs, check out teacher websites, join homeschool forums and utilize the experience of parents who have come before you. Don't be afraid to change curriculum or methods. Most of all, give yourself a break, literally and figuratively!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

FREE labbook files!

I found a PLETHORA of free lapbook files at Homeschool Launch. If you have never heard of lapbooking, Lapbooks are GREAT for hands on learners and for enrichment for a unit. Some people even use lapbooking as their curriculum. For my eight year old, who loves these-it really helps him to remember a concept or subject using these. I will be using these a lot this year as unit projects for him. I'd love to see pictures if anyone does one!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Falling Nouns

One of my favorite sites! Get this FREE!

Falling nouns: "Falling nouns"

Monday, September 13, 2010

How I plan to implement CM style using textbooks

I have been thinking a lot these past two weeks about how to bridge what I love about the Charlotte Mason method of homeschooling with our use of textbooks. I think it hit me last week that most of my curriculum choices are pretty much all textbooks this year. What is great about homeschooling, is the ability to blend the styles you love, and tailor it to each individual child. So what part of CM will stay in our schooling?

A lot actually! We could never give up our nature studies. Everyone in the family loves this time outdoors-the kids love combining art with science, and the sunshine gives us a break during our school time. I love nothing better than when one of the kids documents something and then goes and researches on their own something they this HAS to stay.

We will keep our Shakespeare, Art appreciation, and Music appreciation. We can do these these through copy work (another CM suggestion) I really believe that copy work is one of the simplest but genius ways for children to grasp grammar structure, spelling, and memorization. They retain A LOT of information this way.

We will also keep our written and oral narration. Nicko my eight year old is not a proficient writer yet, so oral narration to make sure he is grasping the concepts will be great for him. Matteo, my 13 year old loves writing, and he actually likes writing summaries. Instead of doing a lot of bookwork, he will keep separate notebooks for each subject and do written narration to make sure he learned that days lesson.

We will also keep reading living books. I've found that some textbooks(like the one's I chose) are not dry and written by people passionate about their subject. We will use living books to enhance whatever unit or subject we are working on. Once I get our new books, I will add lesson plans again, along with any living books we use with each unit.

I think this year might be our best year yet!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

as if I am not busy enough-I gave birth!

I spent the week looking up homeschool blogs. I love reading any blog, but when I am sitting around at the end of the day my favorite thing to do is to read blogs by other homeschoolers. So, I got this idea....

There are all kind of avenue's to form a homeschool blog, sometimes I miss out on good blogs because of the variety of ways of getting your blog out. I also though have favorite sites not related to homeschooling that I have always admired for how they bring all these blogs together and feature bloggers, like SITS and FoodGawker. Using these as inspiration, I wanted a place similar for homeschool blogs....and thus Homeschool Blog Parade was born! I love the idea of featuring a new homeschool family every week. I intend to buy a nifty new templete and blog button to spruse up the site, and have featured topics and fun giveaways! I hope if you have a homeschool blog that you will join in the parade!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Math and my advice-selecting our art program

If there is one subject I am uncomfortable with, it is math. As an adult, I am still TERRIBLE at it. In fact, I was thrilled when I got my iphone and had several apps to figure percentages along with a calculator. I still count on my fingers in my head-math just does not compute with me!

In spite of my own deficiency, because of my experience with my own kids-I wanted to offer a little advice for beginning homeschoolers, or homeschoolers with young learners. In my opinion before you ever even look for curriculum for your child(ren), you should make sure they have memorized some things.

1) Write numbers 1-100 in standard form, expanded form, and word form.
2) know all place values from the left of the decimal up to millions, and at least place value to the right of the decimal to thousandths.
3) know all basic math facts by heart for 0-10 in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
4) have a basic understanding for simple fractions.

(edited to add)

5)Basic money skills
6)Telling time

You can do all of this without ever buying an expensive math program. There are many ways to teach this depending on what style of learner you have. With a visual you might try using flashcards or watching videos. With an auditory learners there are a lot of cd's with memorization songs-there are thousands of online worksheets you can print, or even a wipe off board with lines.

For me, this is my plan for my four little one's. I feel I have definitely learned that these skills are essential, in my opinion. I will not purchase a math program for my preschoolers until they have this down-even if it takes until 1st grade to do so.

For anyone who is past this point-and like me with math. Don't worry. There are scripted programs like Saxon math that will tell you exactly what to say while giving a lesson. I never had an issue with teaching a concept with a scripted lesson plan. Or, you can use a program like
Math U See, where you can use the CD with a math instructor who gives the lesson through the video. This is all my opinion of course, and different homeschool parents might have different advice. :)

On a side note-I'm excited to have found an art program for Matteo that I like. I'm surprised at my choice but it is a Mcgraw Hill pick called Understanding Art. This was recommended on a Charlotte Mason email loop, and I and Matteo both think he will really enjoy it. It is art through History in a chronological time line. I really like books that go in chronological order for history, but this combines art and history both. I think it will be a great addition to his schooling.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September lesson plans

We are sort of in limbo for the month of September until we get our books shipped to us. We do however have a lot of stuff to do. For instance the kids will be getting ready for a few contests for the local Renaissance festival so I have decided to list those. Don't you just LOVE the Internet? Even when our books come in I will supplement with the great lessons plans, videos, and information you can find online. I love that with homeschooling we can use all forms of media to enhance learning.

Both kids will continue their regular grammar and math lessons. We will add the lessons below as well.

Language Arts:

Combined for Matteo 7th grade and Nicko 3rd grade in order to get ready for poetry contest

What is a simile

writing poetry like pro's

all together now

Expository lesson plan

expository lesson

examples of expository essays


How to draw a midevil knight

How to draw a castle

I will add more links if I find anything interesting!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Preschool site

I really like this site and wanted to share. Fishing For Preschool Ideas has a lot of file folder games, and my littles love these!

Friday, September 3, 2010

On my end of September wish list

I'm so excited, it is getting close that I will be able to order the books I want for the kids. I have SO many plans that I just had to share. :_)


Unit- Heridity and genetics

Text book I hear really good things about this series Science Explorer by Prentice Hall, I will be using these mostly this year.

DVD Wow, this is cool! I'm not sure I can get this too, but it would be a great additions. It's on my wish list!

Very excited about this unit. We will be extracting DNA from fruit for the labs, and the unit project will be to build a double Helix.

Social Studies:
Unit-Prehistoric People's

The Boy of the Painted Cave will use for enrichment and Dar and the Spear Thrower

EyeWitness: Prehistoric Life

EyeWitness: Early Humans


Unit Project-Take part in the Genographic study! this will tie into our genetics unit in Science too.

Language Arts:

This year I have decided to switch to Lightning Literature I love that they are reading whole books and not snippets.

We will stick to Rod N Staff for our grammar portion of Language Arts


Sticking to Math U See


Building The Total Athlete

Teen Health

Teen Health workbook

Ethics/Good citizenship:

What Do You Stand For?

The Teen Guide To Global Action



Social Studies:
Discovery of the Americas unit-

The Discovery of the Americas

I plan on using this whole series for Nicko in Social Studies this year!

Animal classification

Animal classification lapbook

National Geographic, Animal Encyclopedia

Language Arts:

McGuffey Readers
old right? But for some reason Nicko just loves these. I'm really not sure what the appeal is for him, he just says he likes them. You can get these online for free, but I would really like to have the hard copy version.

Pinneo's Primmary Grammar again, and old one. We are using the online version because it is free of mistakes. I think possibly Nicko likes these because the style is sort of Charlottle Mason like in their approach.

McGuffey's Spelling

A Reason for Handwriting cursive


Continue to use Math U See

Note: I will add to this list as I find things.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

1st week lesson plans

September 1st-September 3rd

Matteo 7th grade:
Math: one lesson in Math U see Wed, Thurs, and Fri

Language Arts:

Spelling-wed-fri is to list any words missed during regular lessons. 10 random words will be chosen to test the following Monday. Get your free spelling here

one lesson in Rod N Staff grammar book
Choose and read biography of one poet of the Renaissance era, write a summary

one lesson in Rod N Staff grammar book
Research chosen poet from Wed at Encyclopedia Britannica then research and find one poetry
piece by the poet. Answer questions 1-18 on Analyzing Poetry. Follow directions for 'Writing Your Paper." Complete paper is to be typed, edited and submitted to me by Monday Sept 4th.

Work on poetry paper.


Wed, Thurs, Fri

Complete all worksheets, labs, and activities on Scientific Method & More

Wed-do Bikini bottom experiments (link above)



Social Studies:

Begin unit on Passport to Easter Hemisphere
( I plan to break this down and will report back what we did wed, thurs, and fri.


Complete the discovery education activity on high performance sports

write or orally narrate over what he learned.


Listen to Hop, Skip, and Sing French lesson 1-4
Write all new words

Listen to CD lesson 1-5
Write all new words

Say and write all words lesson 1-5

Copy work-

Wed, Thurs, Fri
Shakespeare Free

Wed, Thurs, Fri
Complete activity


Social Studies:


unit 1 lesson on community helpers
Read profiles on Community club followed by oral narration.


lesson plan Community Helpers are at your Service complete picture of community helper
with three sentences and oral narration.


choose one community helper, write a song, and create poster about them.


Watch video on scientific method


Complete worksheet on scientific method.

watch brainpop video and orally answer questions on scientific method to demonstrate mastery.

Language Arts:

Complete lesson 2 in online textbook

Complete lesson 3 in online textbook

Complete lesson 4 in online textbook

Spelling test on number words...


Wed, Thurs, Fri- one lesson from Math U See book

Copy work:

See above for link/same as Matteo's

Same as Matteo's above

Same as Matteo's above

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 1 lesson plan

Today I consider it our first day of homeschool, and wouldn't you know it. No camera! Rob wanted to take pictures of his job that is a new boo. I'm going to start listing my lessons plans by the week, but today is special. :)

Matteo 7th grade

Math: 1 lesson in Math U See
Language Arts: 1 lesson in Rod N Staff English and
read Different Points of View write a summary based on what you read.
Art study:Medieval and Renaissance Art: Botanical Symbol

Teacher helpers:
Rubric for grading summary
Homeschool tracker for keeping grades, records, and attendance

Nicko 3rd grade

Math: 1 lesson in Math U See
Language Arts:Pinneo's primary grammar of the English language: for beginners
Art study: same at Matteo above

The Plan

I always have a backup plan, but this plan is more than that. This is THE plan. The plan I would have done in the first place if we did not need a free curriculum at the time.

Well, that is not totally true, this is the revised plan as my husband and I have made some compromises. My husband had some requests and I am more than willing to implement these ideas. I have always had control and final say as the kids teacher, but his requests are very reasonable.

1) Rob asks that we follow a typical course of study for each age group. He would like this to be a checklist that we do every year. Done! I will happily implement this. This will ensure Matteo is doing what his peers are so that when he enters high school in two years he will have covered subjects most peers his age have. I will follow the typical course of study that World Book offers here. For Nicko we will use the 3rd grade, and for Matteo I will use 7th grade.

Another issue is the decision to keep Matteo back a year. Some might question the necessity of this, especially considering his reading level, (lower college range) but he needs the extra year for two reasons. One thing we learned by the public school experience is that Matteo needs extra work in math. He needs a repeat of the Epsilon by Math U See. Math is the one subject he has not taken to, and needs extra work in. The other reason is maturity. Homeschooling has allowed Matteo not to have to grow up too quickly, and he is not a typical 13 year old. Don't get me wrong, if you meet him he is mature and well spoken. But he is also still a kid. He is still into pretend play and is often outside in some sort of swordplay with Nicko. He's not into the teenage scene, and I can't see him feeling comfortable next year in high school. Not a biggie, especially as a lot of people are held back a year just because of their birthday. He sees this as a plus as it gives him two years to get in great shape.

2) Rob would like us to have more accountability. Before, strictly doing the Charlotte Mason method of homeschooling, I did not keep grades or administer testing. My husband asks that I keep grades, and that I give a unit test after each unit, semester tests, and do end of year testing. He asks this as a way for him to take part. Before, he would ask what the kids were doing in school but he didn't get to look at a report card or praise the kids for a well taken test. Done, and done...

3) Rob also asks that the kids complete unit projects. This was one thing that he did like about the online academy. He has fond memories of science and history projects and this is easy for me to add in. Another done!

4) And the last of the requests was for us to do a minimum of four hours a day during the week. He doesn't care how we spend our time, or if we are doing outside classes, just that we take a sort of attendance and bye bye to our unschooling sort of schedule. Okay.......this one was reluctantly done. :0 But done. :)

So what IS the plan? Well, I can't actually get the kids books until the end of September. So there are things that we will be using in the meantime. Firstly is that the kids are requesting to do the contests for the big Rennisance fair that is coming in October. Both older kids want to enter the poetry, art, and for Matteo the essay contest. The deadline to enter is October 1st so this will keep us busy.

What each kid will work on for now: (things we already have or free on Internet)

Matteo 7th grade:

Math-Math U See
Grammar-Rod and staff (we like secular usually, and this is not heavily Christian. I feel it is VERY comprehensive as a grammar program and love it-the kids do to!)
Copywork-just one of the many Charlotte Mason methods we will keep.
Language Arts-will be poetry, and essay studies to prepare for contest.
Art and Drama-to prepare for contest.
Nature studies-a CM method for studying nature
French-will list resources later

Nicko 3rd grade:

Math-Math U See
Grammar-This is just a gem of a find! I love this website and will use these old fashioned grammar online books until his Rod and staff get here. There is a big list on the right, just scroll down.
Language arts-preparing for contest
Art and drama-preparing for contest
Nature studies

I think I will try to list our daily lesson plan from now on. I will also add what my littles are doing in preschool later in the week.

I am so excited. I'm so relieved, and feel like a big weight has been lifted. I can't wait to show and tell the ideas I found too for each unit we will do and how I will organize it all. Yay! We are HOMEschoolers again. :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

The big D-decision that is...

May be the shortest stint in public school. :)

We made the decision and it's no...we just can't do it another day. I think for anyone who is going from public school to a state virtual academy that it would be just fine. I bet they and their child would do great, and the parents would be happy. I don't want to speak for all homeschoolers, but for just will not work.

The whole reason we enrolled was for Matteo, our oldest. He has a dream. He has a real desire and passion to play high school football. His main goals are to play in the NFL and become a writer. He is a smart kid and is realistic about the possibilities, but he is brave enough to go for his dreams. We were hoping the state virtual academy would get him accustomed to traditional curriculum, and helping get him used to state testing.

The problem is, that as homeschoolers we know there is a better design, and for us, it is homeschooling. We know what works for our family, and we do not want to waste anymore time than we have already taken with this.

Just for the record, I wanted to make sure I say that the kids did well in their schooling. They just took the Leap test (not a state requirement but an academy requirement) and both scored 90% and above, the test was on the topics they would cover this that made me feel great! Both kids were also doing well on the daily work, both had 100% in all their subjects-with the exception of Matteo with a B in math.

My husband and I have made some agreements on how there has to be changes made so that Matteo is comfortable when he enters his 9th grade year. I have everything planned though and I will share some of it tomorrow.

I am very relieved and happy with our decision and I can't wait talk about what we will be doing this year!

Happy schooling everyone...however you do it. :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

How our first week went

It was crappy! Everything I hate about public schools was brought home to me this week. We had a couple of decent days but not successful days.

First, I'm having an identity crisis of sorts. It should not bother me so much, and is not really about public schools, but I want to get it out. I made the decision to enroll the kids with the support of the hubby. We needed free curriculum and we could not be picky at the time. We have been independent homeschoolers from the beginning, and I am resenting the title of public school at home. I'm not sure why, but I even feel a small sense of shame that we turned to "the system." Silly I know, but I wonder if I will tell my old homeschool buddies that we are no longer really homeschoolers...technically that is.

My biggest complaint. I thought we were going to have flexibility. It's one of the things that appealed to me when I read the website. They have examples on the web page of children who are athletes who appreciate the flexibility that public school at home provides. Well I say bull! You are given the option to set your child's schedule. BUT, they have added extra "classes," and requirements that take up a lot of time. Mostly, they have to do with TAKS classes. I don't mind the kids having to prepare for the state testing since it is new to them, but these two extra classes interfere with real learning time. We seem not to have time anymore for our extra classes like French and Spanish. Also, I resent the amount of time it takes to work on one subject. The way the daily assignments are designed....I have a hard time believing a public school teacher could present and finish the material in an hour. I'm hoping that once we get the hard copies of the kids books that this might help with the time issues. So I'm willing to be patient with this.

The curriculum. It's dry, I expected this, but thought that with my many years of homeschooling I could find a way to make it appeal to the kids. To be fair, there are extra activities the kids could do to make it more interesting, but then there is the time factor. We would be on each subject for more than an hour. I can't slow things down either, because if we do not check off a subject and do the daily assignments then it shows them to have overdue work. sigh.

I resent that I am called the "learning coach," and someone else gets to grade the my kids work. I'm the one who is REALLY the teacher. Not only that, but most of the quizzes and tests have less than 10 questions. I feel it is not showing if they know the material because of this.

My kids are complaining too. For the first time EVER in our homeschooling adventures my kids said they hated school. That was a bad day for me. My kids are the type that would get up early and review their material because they found it so exciting. They are usually highly motivated in their school work. Now, I wake them up to grumpy "is is a school day again?"

With all this said, I'm willing to give it a chance. Even though our circumstances have changes and we don't *have* to do this...I think we should at least try. I've never been a quitter and do not want to set a bad example. I am however going to try and approach it a different way. I used to teach at a private preschool and taught the four year old class and the transitional kindergarten class. I had to use the school curriculum and make it my own. I know how to teach, and I know how to make things interesting. That is my plan for the coming weeks. I am going to sit down tonight and go over the material the kids will be working, and how I can make it work to fit the kids learning style while still meeting the schools expectations.

Hoping to make this work!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm a public school teacher now

I'm a public school teacher now, at least to my own kids.

It all started around July. I was in a panic because I realized there was no way we could afford curriculum. Rob, the hubby and I-always said that if we could not afford curriculum, we would put the kids in public school. (I said that, but no way would I actually willingly do it!)

I think I googled "free homeschool curriculum," and came across an ad for two Texas virtual academy's. The K12 site said they were booked for the year, but the Texas Connections Academy was not. I reluctantly started the enrollment process.

This past Monday the kids started their first day of public school at home. The first day was HORRIBLE. We had all kinds of technical glitches, it just took forever for videos to load. And, it was hard getting the hang of online textbooks-we are waiting for the hard copies-the kids were stressed and I was too.

Tuesday was a million times better. Instead of having the kids do school at the same time. I tried helping my eight year old Nicko first, then my 13 year old, Matteo. MUCH better. Wednesday though was back to the blah's. So far it's been a hit or miss.

I feel we have options now though. Rob got a big promotion and after our crappy summer we are finally caught up with bills. I am going to give it till Christmas break (thanks to a friends advice,) and if we just don't like it and it's not for us then I can withdraw them.

I still consider us homeschoolers, and I am finding ways to fill in the gaps I feel are lacking in the textbooks, so check back to see my adjustments!